Visual hallucinations While Sitting In The Dark
Hallucinations Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields
In the dark, the human mind begins to lose its grip, causing test subjects to experience visual and aural hallucinations. A Study done by Psychologist Peter Suedfeld from the University College London said when a group of people is placed in a dark, quiet room, many start hallucinating after just a few minutes. The participants who were not prone to hallucinations started hallucinating after 15 minutes. What we saw for sensory deprivation hallucinations is that when there is no information coming in (the brain), the brain produces an alternate reality of what is supposed to be there, some experiences were reported to be unpleasant. Same thing happens when you take hallucinogenic drugs.
Hallucinations Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields
“In the 1980’s, Dr. Michael Persinger performed a series of experiments with what became known as the “God Helmet”. The term God Helmet refers to a controversial experimental apparatus in neurotheology. The apparatus, placed on the head of an experimental subject, stimulates the brain with magnetic fields. Some subjects reported experiences similar to spiritual experiences. The Octopus as it was also called contained solenoids, which created a weak but complex magnetic field over the brain’s right-hemisphere parietal and temporal lobes. Persinger reported that at least 80 per cent of his participants experience a presence beside them in the room, which they variously say feels like God or someone they knew who had died.”
by David M. Rountree Paranormal Technology
It is common to see an increase in reported unusual activity only during electrical storms, from ghostly apparitions to other unexplained phenomena. The people that witness these occurrences believe that what they experienced was real. There are psychological reactions that can cause hallucinations from powerful fluctuations in the electromagnetic field caused by the storm. We know that exposure to high electromagnetic fields can cause hallucinations as well as other illnesses from standard household currents from 110-230 volts; tentatively the range of lightning is 10-120 million volts that is a conservative estimate. Then again, two pieces of equipment used in paranormal investigations try to duplicate the energy produced in an electrical storm by flooding the room with charged particles called an ionizer, the other device an EM pump bombards the room with electromagnetic fields. The theory behind using these devices is to increase the charged in the room that somehow aids the manifestation of the anomaly. The use of such devices would only increase the effects from exposure to high electromagnetic fields, and increase the likelihood of hallucinations.
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