Monday, June 16, 2014

The Truth About The Paranormal Hobby

The number of paranormal groups keeps growing every year. There are some groups that cater to people that only want to go ghost hunting. They charge ridiculous prices to join thirty or more people stomping around some alleged haunted location, and if you expect to get any real evidence from that, you're mistaken. Sometimes small groups like to meet in the cemeteries to walk around. I guess it's more for the creep factor than anything, but when the sun goes down you need to leave. Cemeteries are under control of the Parks, and Recreation Department's Rules and Regulations. Which means you're not allowed in them after sun set. It's funny to see these amateur groups taking pictures of them obviously in a graveyard at night, and then posting it on facebook without bothering to get written permission, or permits to be there. I'm sure the Sheriff will be contacting them soon about the trespassing charges. Being legal should be the first of many rules for your team. Trespassing should never be allowed when you can get permits and permission it may take some effort, but your team would have earned respect in the community. If your team ever needs that haunted fix there is plenty of pay to investigate haunts that will more than happily gouge you for hundreds of dollars so that you and your team can walk around for a couple hours in their alleged haunted house. Then there are the Para-Conventions with their higher and higher ticket prices for the same old rehashed lectures that I've seen year after year. I spent the last one sleeping in the back row. The only reason we go to these things is to see friends from out of town. I would love to just once attend a lecture with someone that can bring important innovation or insight to the field. Sorry! My Bad! Then again you might even see a para-celebrity, and with fifty paranormal reality shows on air and new ones every year you can take that bet to Vegas! The funny thing about paranormal conventions is when they throw in an investigation for an additional price of the ticket. What we call a stampede investigation, and are a total waste of money, and time. Forget trying to collect evidence when you have a hundred people stomping around, talking, yelling, knocking, pounding, and slamming door. Really the joke's on you for paying money just to walk around the building. Most haunted venues charge teams $500 for the night. You and a couple buddies for a little more could of had the whole building to yourself for what they just charged you and a couple hundred people for that haunted experience. You've could of gotten the same evidence from a shopping mall for free. My team spent the night at this overpriced out of the way Hotel that sold their rooms as being haunted. They had lists on their doors with claims of activity in each room. The evidence of this was based on a paranormal group and from psychics that claimed they saw spirits in every doorway. This place was an old hotel that was built in the 1860s and for many people they believed that if it is old and creepy looking then it must be haunted. That’s not necessarily the case after reviewing the data from all of our equipment we picked up nothing at all. Odd for a place that is advertised as being so haunted to get absolutely nothing. We talked to the owner that admitted that all the pictures and stories are all made up to add to the mystìc of the Hotel. I wish someone had told me that before I spent $140 of the worse night I ever stayed in a Hotel in my life, and you can keep the historical experience too! I should touch upon paranormal gear you can't believe how much of it is worthless, and the worst thing of all the manufacture tells you so, with four little words. "For Entertainment purposes only" I've seen groups walking around using those very pieces of equipment, and claiming they captured evidence from them. Then you have the radio hacks these are so obvious how they work. It's a word generator if you scan the AM frequencies what you hear is words from News broadcasts, Talk Radio, and Religion. You skipping along then ask a question. What you're listening for is anything that can answers the question, and with all those names, acts, and damnation all you need to do is could convince yourselves your talking to the spirit world. If you're serious about the evidence all you really need for equipment is; Video Cameras, Voice Recorders, trigger objects, EM Pump, MEL-8704, and no more than six trustworthy, honest people.  Uniforms are necessary in any profession along as there is a central theme, and don't wear rhinestones, or glitter on your clothing, they reflect as little points of light, and that's including infrared, and full spectrum. "There was a lot of activity energy ORB everywhere!" Any reflective surface will reflect light. I've seen a supposed anomaly of light flash of light glaring back at the camera off something on a jacket blinding the camera momentarily giving the illusion of someone vanishing. It's important to question all evidence if you want to be taken seriously. 

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