Monday, February 10, 2014

What is Explainable? (Animal Haunts)

"Rudolf Steiner believed animal consciousness to be the experience of desires, hopes and fears without self-awareness."

There are countless stories of animal apparitions from the feeling of the presence of a beloved pet that had passed away. To this day, I have yet captured one piece of evidence of any kind of animal spirit. It made me think about the bigger picture. If you are not vegan you probably ate, or wore something that had a face today, and most every day of your life. So when it comes down to animal apparitions, why is it usually limited to only our beloved domesticated pets? If I told you, human beings consume every species of animal greater than the number of human beings on this planet every year. When I listen to my audio for responses, the only sounds I have heard can only be described as human. Where are those billions of animals that we as a species consume every year, and yes, people have pigs, and chickens as pets? The most common domesticated pet kept by us is cats, but dogs are the most commonly claimed pet apparition. Are they smarter? No. Dolphins, Pigs, and Primates are smarter. Cats and dogs are way down on the list.

Current world population (estimated): 7,223,568,494. 

The only answer is us, and our minds ability to hallucinate as defined as perception at the threshold of consciousness in an awaken state, but this could explain away all ghosts? If it was not for one little problem, cameras, and voice recorders do not hallucinate. Although people can, and do in some cases that is why all evidence is subjected to peer review methods of evaluation involving qualified individuals within the relevant field that would provide credibility to the evidence, and if it wasn't for the overwhelming amount of the data that's been collected over the years we could end this discussion right now. I have personally witnessed on more than one occasion movement recorded on camera. Acoustical evidence as clear as someone speaking in the room called a disembodied voice, recorded movement as a locked door open, and closed, had one playing card move out of a deck of cards, a ball rolling back, and forth three times all caught on video. There are numerous claims of pet apparitions. The most recent captured on video that turned out to be a bug on the lens. A small blurry spot moved across the lens. That gave the illusion of something small moving across the room. There was the immediate assumption that the unexplained anomaly was an apparition of what was once a beloved pet that lived in the home.

People feel alone in their grief after the loss of a loved one. That trauma can manifests strong memories; you glance over to where your pet should be, to glimpse a memory of them sitting there, to look again to see nothing. This is what it means to be human and as researchers we must take in to account everything we know about how the mind works, and knowing that our mind can substitute memories at the expense of our reality. This is the main reason why we would never use sensitive, or psychics, and why we insist on backing up everything on digital recorders because by verifying the activity would mean the difference between a personal experience, and evidence.

I have seen confusion referring to the word manifestation, as if it only refers to a spiritual creation, and yet our mind is the seat of reality, and all of our manifestations.

Dogs are trained to use the animals since of smell to detect contraband such as drugs, or bombs. To attack and defend in law enforcement, or the military, but hunt for Ghosts? There have been claims that animals can sense activity associated with Ghost. The research I have done on our common household pets and their sensitivity to their surroundings. Let us start with vision, dogs are dichromats, and have color vision equivalent to red-green color blindness. Dogs have very large pupils, a high density of rods in the fovea, an increased flicker rate, and a tapetum lucidum an adaptation toward superior night vision. Dogs can detect a change in movement that exists in a single diopter of space within their eye. (Humans require a change of between 10-20 diopters.)

Comparatively dogs can detect movement that is up to 20 times subtler than human vision. The frequency range of dog hearing is approximately 40 Hz to 60,000 Hz, which means that dogs can detect sounds far beyond the upper limit of the human auditory spectrum. Additionally, dogs have ear mobility giving them the ability to pinpoint the exact location of a sound. Eighteen or more muscles can tilt, rotate, raise, or lower a dog's ear. A dog can identify a sound's location much faster than a human can, as well as hear sounds at four times the distance. Therefore, in conclusion man's best friend your household pet would be more likely to sense the presence of a small animal in the walls, or react to noises from outside passing cars or from other dogs. Some dogs barks almost nonstop when there is no apparent season. Who is to say what they are reacting to when there are numerous of more likely explanations than a Ghost? I have heard of paranormal groups training their dog to sense EMF. We already know that the world inundated with electromagnetic fields. All I can see are dogs running around with their owners while playing get the Ghost as easily as get the Frisbee or the ball. Theoretically, if there were Ghost the dog has far greater sense of sight, smell, and hearing to detect subtle changes in the room without the human owner sensing anything, but therein lies the problem. We would have no idea what the dog was reacting too. How can you train a dog to react to what we, as humans have yet to prove even exists?

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