Friday, February 21, 2014

Experiments Conducted (Dimensional State Experiment)

Everything starts with a question. Marvin Scott 1999 WPIX News 11 interview Dr. Hans Holzer mentioned that he believed in a continuing existence in another dimension.

How can you test for other dimensional beings? Well you can only test within the limits of our own dimension looking for characteristics outside of our own. How would the dimensional being communicate with us? We do not know if other dimensional beings exist. Since the nearest dimension to, our own is the fourth dimension although there is a hypothetical description of a fourth-dimensional being from Princeton University.

“A four dimensional being can see across infinite three-dimensional planes of space in a four dimensional world. A four dimensional being would be spread across multiple adjacent three-dimensional planes of space. A four dimensional being could be taking up the exact space you are, in. In the four-dimensional world, the four-dimensional being could see you by looking across the multiple three-dimensional planes of space to the one you are in. If you could move past the four dimensional being in your three dimensional space, it would constantly change shape. If the four-dimensional being passes through your three dimensional space you would only be able to see a three dimensional cross-section that would constantly change shape until it completely vanished. A four dimensional being can see all sides of a three-dimensional object at once. A three-dimensional object can generate two-dimensional shadows on two-dimensional surfaces. A four dimensional being can generate three-dimensional shadows on three-dimensional perimeters.”

"We live in a three-dimensional world. Although we can conceive of three-dimensions or less the one-dimensional line and the two-dimensional, surface it is difficult for us to imagine dimensions higher than three. However, mathematicians conducting research into space claim to be able to visualize four-dimensional space, and four-dimensional space can cast three-dimensional image, or a shadow of itself. At present, we perceive a rich world it has color, people live in it, and there is nature that extends out into space. However, if we consider this concept of light and shadow from a wider perspective, this world itself could be the shadow cast by some other great world. Early mathematicians perceived this as a possibility. The fourth dimension is the only other dimension that can cross through our three-dimensional plain of existence. Four-dimensional space can cast a three-dimensional image, or a shadow of itself." By Dr. Michio Kaku, professor of theoretical physics at City College of New York

There is evidence in theoretical physics of a fourth dimension. A four-dimensional object should cast a three-dimensional shadow. In the paranormal field, we call three-dimensional shadows a full-bodied apparition. How can you test dimensional state of being, by looking for characteristics that do not match our three-dimensional existence? In the Princeton University description of a fourth-dimensional being, we looked for characteristics that we can test.

A four-dimensional being could see, you by looking across the multiple three-dimensional planes of space to the one you are in, and would be spread across multiple adjacent three-dimensional planes of space.

We planned this experiment at a known haunt. Where over the past couple years from 2010 through 2012 with four investigations at the location. We have had an ongoing dialog with an entity that was very consistent with its responses. The entity always responded when ask for its name, ‘I’m David’
When ask what other names you went by it always responded, ‘Dave’
Every question scrutinized for valid responses to eliminate contamination.

To the left the list of questions used.

How to test Dimensional Theory
If the description of a four-dimensional being is correct, the entity can take up multiple three-dimensional planes of space. Then to test this theory we would need to ask simultaneous questions in multiple areas of the location. By reviewing, the audio for simultaneous responses would point to an existence outside the limits of our own dimensional state. While individual responses would point to a three-dimensional existence as in the one we are, in.

How the experiment conducted
Two researchers are setup at alternate ends of the location. Each researcher given identical set of cards with identical questions. We used knocks (fig1) to synchronize the asking of the questions because first we did not want to introduce any type of electronic interference that could contaminate the experiment. We found out on an earlier investigation that we could hear knocks from the other side of the location from the other team. Three knocks started the session, two knocks between fifteen-second pauses between the asking of the next question.

The DSB experiment conducted on October 6, 2011 from 10 PM to 11:30 PM after all power at the location was shut off to keep the noise contamination down. Comparing both audio recordings for responses shown in (fig2), we have concluded that the entity David is in a three-dimensional state of existence.

Even though the results from this experiment point toward a three-dimensional state of being, there are more experiments planned for different locations.

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