Sunday, June 22, 2014

Hallucinations Continued...

Visual hallucinations While Sitting In The Dark

In the dark, the human mind begins to lose its grip, causing test subjects to experience visual and aural hallucinations. A Study done by Psychologist Peter Suedfeld from the University College London said when a group of people is placed in a dark, quiet room, many start hallucinating after just a few minutes. The participants who were not prone to hallucinations started hallucinating after 15 minutes. What we saw for sensory deprivation hallucinations is that when there is no information coming in (the brain), the brain produces an alternate reality of what is supposed to be there, some experiences were reported to be unpleasant. Same thing happens when you take hallucinogenic drugs.

Hallucinations Exposure To Electromagnetic Fields

“In the 1980’s, Dr. Michael Persinger performed a series of experiments with what became known as the “God Helmet”. The term God Helmet refers to a controversial experimental apparatus in neurotheology. The apparatus, placed on the head of an experimental subject, stimulates the brain with magnetic fields. Some subjects reported experiences similar to spiritual experiences. The Octopus as it was also called contained solenoids, which created a weak but complex magnetic field over the brain’s right-hemisphere parietal and temporal lobes. Persinger reported that at least 80 per cent of his participants experience a presence beside them in the room, which they variously say feels like God or someone they knew who had died.”  
by David M. Rountree Paranormal Technology 

It is common to see an increase in reported unusual activity only during electrical storms, from ghostly apparitions to other unexplained phenomena. The people that witness these occurrences believe that what they experienced was real. There are psychological reactions that can cause hallucinations from powerful fluctuations in the electromagnetic field caused by the storm. We know that exposure to high electromagnetic fields can cause hallucinations as well as other illnesses from standard household currents from 110-230 volts; tentatively the range of lightning is 10-120 million volts that is a conservative estimate. Then again, two pieces of equipment used in paranormal investigations try to duplicate the energy produced in an electrical storm by flooding the room with charged particles called an ionizer, the other device an EM pump bombards the room with electromagnetic fields. The theory behind using these devices is to increase the charged in the room that somehow aids the manifestation of the anomaly. The use of such devices would only increase the effects from exposure to high electromagnetic fields, and increase the likelihood of hallucinations.   

Monday, June 16, 2014

Short Ghost Stories

The Boy
by EWK

A friend of mine that works for the Medical Examiner’s Office in a major metropolitan city. He told me some incredible stories, about some unexplained experiences he has had on the job. You would think in his line of work literally arriving moments after the death that if there were any truth to the stories of an afterlife or linking spirit activity to a traumatic death this would be about as close as you can get. At the Medical Examiner’s Office, the family of the deceased are taken to the viewing room. This is where the body has been prepared and displayed for identification. One story he told me had to do with the viewing room, and a young boy that had drowned.

The grandparents arrived and was taken into the viewing room, as the body was uncovered the grandmother collapsed from grief. What he tells me next along with my own experiences convinces me. That we are comfortable in the belief, that everything we surround ourselves in is real, this illusion we call life. As the grandparents, stand grieving in the hallway waiting for the sheriff to escort them out. He saw the boy from the viewing room walk down the hall right past his grieving grandparents. He said the boy just walked right past them completely unnoticed. Continued down the hallway and down the stairs leading to the exit into the Sheriff’s departments parking garage. Two off duty police officers seen the boy and ordered him to stop. The boy stopped turned and looked at them, then faded away. Three eyewitnesses and two 3-inch thick steal locked doors that exit into the parking garage, and one hell of a ghost story.

3 Knocks
by EWK

It has been years ago now but when my wife's father passed away an unusual occurrence happen. I did not know him all that well but he knew that I hunted ghosts. Those weeks after the funeral my wife stayed with her sisters out of town. I went home every night to an empty house, but as soon as I lay down and try to sleep, I started hearing knocks; I ignored them at first, but night after night, the same three knocks. After a couple nights of this, I was on a mission to find out what was causing the noise. I would jump out of bed rush to the door turn on the lights hoping I would catch whatever it was in the act. I walked around outside in the middle of the night to find nothing. Days of logging the same activity, always three knocks coming from the window. Something unique happened I felt something around my toes on my left foot. I kept looking down at the end of my bed at my foot. It felt warm around my toes as if someone had cupped their hands around it. Then my foot was pulled off the bed! I responded with thank you that was cool! (Ghost Hunter Response) Later when my wife returned from her sisters, I told her I keep hearing a knock on the back door only to find nothing. She told me when her father came over to the house he would knock 3 times on the window. Something I did not know, but after my foot, being pulled of the bed I figured something was going on. I eventually told her that it was three knocks that I was hearing on the door, but never told her about my foot. Soon after my foot being pulled off the bed, the activity ended.

Over the past nine years of investigating the unexplained there are many unforgettable cases. Of course it all starts with a call, or by filling out a claim of activity report. After reviewing the claims, and follow up phone interview most claims were explainable, and rejected. Then there were individuals with obvious mental disorders such as schizophrenia, others revealed they were under a doctors care. Then there were claims so fantastic that we didn't believe them, some as if they've seen way too many horror movies. Most cases where rejected but we managed to filter through enough of them that we conducted the next step in our interview process and that is the onsite walkthrough. These are the cases that showed the most promise, that the activity could be recorded during the day. The most notable cases had movement, intelligent responses, all caught on video, and audio.      

The Bell
by EWK

Howard Hughes Private Plane
by EWK

Room 12
by EWK

Little Church Girl
by EWK

Old Winery
by EWK

by EWK

Hallowed Ground
by EWK

List of 13 University-Sanctioned Paranormal Research Projects


Stanford University has many claims to fame when it comes to paranormal research: For starters, the esteemed university can rightfully assert itself as the first academic institution in the United States to study extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK) on an official basis. In 1911, John Edgar Coover began conducting experiments into ESP. Other claims to fame include a rigorous scientific exploration of the purported psychic abilities of the famous “spoon bender” Uri Geller (there is no spoon!), which were studied intensively at the affiliated Stanford Research Institute (SRI) over a five week period during the 1970s.

Maybe even more exciting and curious than the possibility of bending metal with one’s mind was the CIA-sponsored Stargate Project, which took place at SRI in the 1970s. This secretive project was an effort by the CIA to explore the practical applications of Remote Viewing. Unfortunately, during the mid-90s, Stargate Project research officially ceased due to claims that the project failed to yield useful applications and intended objectives—but word on the street is that claims of failure were overexaggerated, and that research merely continued unofficially under the popular radar.


In 1935, Duke researchers J.B. Rhine and William McDougall made that university the second in the nation to officially enter into paranormal research when, after an exceptionally fascinating lecture by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle on the possibility of communication with the dead, the men formed the Parapsychology Laboratory as part of the university’s main psychology department. Laboratory research focused mainly on the critical study of extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK).

To this day, Rhine is commonly accepted to be the father of parapsychology, not only for having coined the term with the help of his trailblazing partner McDougall, but also for having almost singlehandedly established parapsychology itself as a field of scientific and academic inquiry. While the Rhine name is no longer associated with Duke University directly, J.B. Rhine’s purported success in the vein of paranormal inquiry lives on at the Rhine Research Center.


From 1979 to 2007, the tiny basement of Princeton University’s engineering building was home to the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) project, which aimed to determine whether there was factual basis for theories in mind/matter interaction—or in layman’s terms, extrasensory perception (ESP) and telekinesis (TK). While officially expressed by university administration to be an embarrassment, the program claimed success when it was all said and done: Over the project’s 28-year run it was determined by PEAR researchers that compounded data from the many trials did in fact reflect highly significant statistical deviation from what one could expect from chance alone. In other words, minds intelligent enough to teach at Princeton believe that ESP and PK exist.

4. HARVARD UNIVERSITY (1990S - 2008)

Not everyone conducts paranormal research with the hope of finally harnessing proof of its existence. Recently, a team of Harvard scientists set out to disprove the existence of ESP, and even introduced a new method of research into the mix in order to do it.

To conduct their research, the Harvard duo included use of brain scanning with the aim of deciphering whether individuals have knowledge which cannot be explained through “normal” means (AKA the five senses). While researchers admit that technically the project’s results do not disprove the existence of ESP, they assert that findings from their experiment provide the most persuasive evidence to date against the existence of ESP. Professional skeptic James Randi is beaming with pride, I’m sure.


With six years of research in the area of past lives (reincarnation) already under its belt, UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies (DPS), a research unit within the Department of Psychiatric Medicine, was established by Dr. Ian Stevenson in 1967. The division is still kicking today, holding the field of Parapsychology afloat in North America as one of the only university-sanctioned paranormal research programs remaining in the U.S.

DPS research has explored such phenomena as reincarnation (most specifically through its focus on children who claim to remember past lives), near death experiences (NDEs), apparitions and after-death communications, altered states of consciousness, as well as many other psychic (psi) experiences. The Division credits its persistence over time with the great success it has had in substantiating claims within its reincarnation research.


The Department of Psychology at the University of Arizona is parent to an interesting and ever-evolving body of paranormal research. The VERITAS and SOPHIA research projects at UA were created with the primary aim of exploring the possibility that human consciousness might survive the experience of physical death. From 2006 to 2008, VERITAS explored survival (existence of the personality beyond death) and mediumship, until the decision was made to create a more comprehensive body of research including broader claims of after-death communication, such as communion with discarnate entities (spirit guides, angels, divine higher power) under the program name SOPHIA.


Dr. Barry Taff

Remember that “based on actual events” movie from 1982 called The Entity? Well, here you go: Over a ten year period, UCLA’s Neuropsychiatric Institute (NPI) was home to a “non-sanctioned entity” of paranormal research which studied clairvoyance, telepathy, haunted houses, Kirlian photography and even boasted a psi development group (1971 to 1980) which sought to help "normal people" develop latent psychic abilities. The lab operated on the fifth floor of what is now the Semel Institute, and existed by effort of a small group of passionate volunteer researchers—including Dr. Barry Taff and Kerry Gaynor, the very team who conducted the real-life poltergeist investigation on which The Entity was based.

After a little over ten years of research, the toll of political tension and pressure from unapproving university administration over ongoing media attention got the best of the project, and research was forced to conclude abruptly. Today, the lab itself is a ghost of sorts: UCLA and Semel Institute officials deny that the lab ever existed—other than a few flyers advertising the parapsychology classes which were taught on campus by the researchers, no evidence of the lab or its research even exist.

8. CORNELL UNIVERSITY (2002 - 2010)

In 2010, Cornell University's Daryl Bem concluded a rigorous eight year study on the subject of precognition, which involved 1000 Cornell undergrads over nine experimental runs and resulted in unprecedented, almost incomprehensibly positive results. Through a unique “backwards” approach to psychological phenomena, Bem’s experiment affirms the likelihood of "retroactive" psi effects or in this case, the ability of a person’s physiology to “predict” an upcoming event regardless of the individual’s conscious awareness of its impending occurrence.

As if that wasn't wild and exciting enough, Bem’s findings seems to be re-affirming theories within quantum physics. In total, an overwhelming eight of Bem’s nine experiments confirmed his hypothesis that psi is a real phenomenon and, according to Bem, the odds of getting such a combined result due to chance or statistical flukes are about 1 in 74 billion.


A Chair of Parapsychology was established within the Department of Psychology at the University of Edinburgh in 1985. This entity of research is the esteemed Koestler Parapsychology Unit (KPU), which prides itself on its interdisciplinary approach to parapsychology. Scientific research at KPU examines such phenomenal claims as extrasensory perception (ESP) and psychokinesis (PK), as well as the nature and consequences of belief in the paranormal itself.

In 2010, KPU brought research into the 21st century when it used Twitter as the platform for conducting a mass-participation research project in the area of remote viewing and ESP. While the study itself did not conclusively show evidence for remote viewing per se, it was determined that Twitter was an excellent tool for future studies conducted by the Unit.


Among one of the more hip experiments taking place in current paranormal research is the Mobile Telepathy Test being carried out by The Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (APRU) of the Department of Psychology at Goldsmiths, University of London. This Mobile Telepathy Test seeks to explore instances of possible telepathy involving individuals receiving a phone call from someone they have just thought about. Through its research and experimentation, APRU hopes to determine whether this apparent phenomena is simply a coincidence, or possibly indicative of psi phenomena such as telepathy or precognition.

Also on the menu at APRU are studies in altered states of consciousness and hypnosis, as well as a series of recently concluded projects including the Joint Telepathy Test, which aimed to determine the possibility of sensing, for instance, when individuals are looking at the same photo simultaneously.


In 2003, a division of dedicated research was established at the University of Adelaide in South Australia in order to further the scientific and academic study of psi phenomena. This division of the university’s Department of Psychology, named the Anomalistic Psychology Research Unit (APRU), was the brainchild of respected parapsychologist Lance Storm and his colleague, Dr. Michael A. Thalbou. One of APRU’s interesting ventures into the paranormal seeks to scientifically test the hypothesis that the blind are able to compensate for deficits in sight by naturally developing psi abilities that are statistically superior to those of individuals with normal abilities in ocular vision.


The ever-progressive Lund University of Sweden is currently involved in a long-term research project, investigating states of consciousness and parapsychology. The program aims to find a correlation between hypnotic suggestibility and incidence of psi phenomena during experiments. This inquiry follows previous experiments which found that highly suggestible individuals are found to experience a high rate of anomalous experiences such as telepathy and clairvoyance.


The Netherlands is definitely known for its proclivity to produce open-minded thinkers. In 1953, Ultrecht University in The Netherlands definitely lived up to this reputation when it was host to the “First International Utrecht Conference on Parapsychology”—the first ever conference of its kind—from July 30 to August 5. The event, considered to be one of the most critical moments in the history of modern scientific parapsychology, brought together 78 scientists and parapsychologists from 13 countries, who lectured and held exciting roundtable discussions about current research and to plan for the future of the field. In 2008, the followup “Utrecht II” conference was held, where lectures were once again offered by a who’s who of the field on subjects such as the reality of psi phenomena, ESP in dreams, field investigations of hauntings and poltergeist activity, self-organized reality, clinical parapsychology, and even physics as it applied to the field.


During the 1990s, The University of Amsterdam took on an interesting project in order to hone its students’ and faculty’s empirical research skills: it created the Anomalous Cognition Section (ACS), which in addition to making rockstar researchers out of its pupils, sought to explore the possibility of anomalous cognitive effects (which is simply parapsychology-speak for telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition). This section was created under the oversight of the university’s Psychology Department, where as early as 1982 and 1986, student-run experiments had been conducted under university sanction in order to study the possible existence of psi phenomena. 

Visual Hallucinations While Sitting In The Dark

In the dark, the human mind begins to lose its grip, causing test subjects to experience visual and aural hallucinations. A Study done by psychologist Peter Suedfeld from the University College London said when a group of people is placed in a dark, quiet room, many start hallucinating after just a few minutes. The participants who were not prone to hallucinations started hallucinating after 15 minutes. What we saw for sensory deprivation hallucinations is that when there is no information coming in (the brain), the brain produces an alternate reality of what is supposed to be there, some experiences were reported to be unpleasant. Same thing happens when you take hallucinogenic drugs.

The Study Of Caffeine Causing Hallucinations

A study that links caffeine to hallucinations, according to Australian researchers at La Trobe University. This study suggested that people that over indulge in caffeinated drinks having more than three cups of coffee at a time would be more prone to having hallucinations. There are more than enough conflicting reports about coffee from health concerns to health benefits. In the study, researchers brought a small group of overly caffeinated volunteers to a lab, and had them put on headphones where they listen to white noise, but first suggesting that they would be listening to White Christmas. Now having extensive knowledge to the effects of listening to white noise, and other noise generators in my work with anomalous voice phenomena the continued research of electronic voice phenomena my study on recognizing sound anomalies. Continuously listening to white noise in and of itself would be suspect of causing the hallucinations. Then making a suggestion of what you would be hearing while listening to the white noise invalidates the research. If you take anyone caffeinated to the hilt or not and then put headphones on them playing white noise just before suggesting that they would be listening to White Christmas. They are going to hear White Christmas this is the power of suggestion not a hallucination. This study has many flaws, such as controls (how much caffeine), sample size (suggesting only one song tends to sway the results), and small polling size even though the number of participants was left out of the study. In conclusion, there is not enough evidence that caffeine alone could cause severe hallucinations.


What songs gets stuck in your head when mentioning the title, or part of the lyrics.
Of Course, every generation has one of those tunes.

Because I'm Happy
Oh Mickey, you're so fine, You're so fine, you blow my mind, hey Mickey, hey Mickey
Bohemian Rhapsody

Memories Altering Reality

Memories can produce very powerful hallucinations. The first time I experienced this was after I moved from the home I lived in for the past 15 years. Unbeknownst to me while I was away at work my wife hung up the old curtains. When I returned home as soon as I walked into the house one of my eyes caught a glimpse of the curtains. This was the first time I had ever experienced a memory strong enough to change my perception of reality, for that brief moment I was standing back in my old home. I even visualized the view out the window. Strong memories can create an altered reality that can take you to a time and place where you relive that moment.

The second time this happened was four years later I had moved again, this time I shared a house with my wifes sisters family. Most of my belongings was in storage. I walked in the door and my wifes sister hung up a landscape painting the usual mountains, and forest. It caught my eye I turned to look at it I realized, that I was reliving a memory. A memory of a landscape painting that I knew was in storage, but this time I was prepared I knew my painting was signed on the bottom right corner, I look and the painters name was there Wilson. You can imagine my confusion how did that painting get here? I examined the painting therally turned and walked down the hall and asked my wife how did the Wilson end up on the wall down the hall. She said that wasn't the Wilson. I disagreed and went back down the hall and looked again, and sure enough it wasn't. Right then I reaffirmed that I was viewing a memory. It was as real as if I was looking at the original from the name to the color of the mountain and the custom frame I had made for it.    

These experiences gave me valuable insight. The stories I've heard about seeing loved ones would be as real to them as their memory allows. When a memory of where they would expect to see them, and they are there, would rattle anyone. The majority of reports of people who have seen an apparition may instead be experiencing strong memories that may of been triggered by something familiar in their lives.   

The Truth About The Paranormal Hobby

The number of paranormal groups keeps growing every year. There are some groups that cater to people that only want to go ghost hunting. They charge ridiculous prices to join thirty or more people stomping around some alleged haunted location, and if you expect to get any real evidence from that, you're mistaken. Sometimes small groups like to meet in the cemeteries to walk around. I guess it's more for the creep factor than anything, but when the sun goes down you need to leave. Cemeteries are under control of the Parks, and Recreation Department's Rules and Regulations. Which means you're not allowed in them after sun set. It's funny to see these amateur groups taking pictures of them obviously in a graveyard at night, and then posting it on facebook without bothering to get written permission, or permits to be there. I'm sure the Sheriff will be contacting them soon about the trespassing charges. Being legal should be the first of many rules for your team. Trespassing should never be allowed when you can get permits and permission it may take some effort, but your team would have earned respect in the community. If your team ever needs that haunted fix there is plenty of pay to investigate haunts that will more than happily gouge you for hundreds of dollars so that you and your team can walk around for a couple hours in their alleged haunted house. Then there are the Para-Conventions with their higher and higher ticket prices for the same old rehashed lectures that I've seen year after year. I spent the last one sleeping in the back row. The only reason we go to these things is to see friends from out of town. I would love to just once attend a lecture with someone that can bring important innovation or insight to the field. Sorry! My Bad! Then again you might even see a para-celebrity, and with fifty paranormal reality shows on air and new ones every year you can take that bet to Vegas! The funny thing about paranormal conventions is when they throw in an investigation for an additional price of the ticket. What we call a stampede investigation, and are a total waste of money, and time. Forget trying to collect evidence when you have a hundred people stomping around, talking, yelling, knocking, pounding, and slamming door. Really the joke's on you for paying money just to walk around the building. Most haunted venues charge teams $500 for the night. You and a couple buddies for a little more could of had the whole building to yourself for what they just charged you and a couple hundred people for that haunted experience. You've could of gotten the same evidence from a shopping mall for free. My team spent the night at this overpriced out of the way Hotel that sold their rooms as being haunted. They had lists on their doors with claims of activity in each room. The evidence of this was based on a paranormal group and from psychics that claimed they saw spirits in every doorway. This place was an old hotel that was built in the 1860s and for many people they believed that if it is old and creepy looking then it must be haunted. That’s not necessarily the case after reviewing the data from all of our equipment we picked up nothing at all. Odd for a place that is advertised as being so haunted to get absolutely nothing. We talked to the owner that admitted that all the pictures and stories are all made up to add to the mystìc of the Hotel. I wish someone had told me that before I spent $140 of the worse night I ever stayed in a Hotel in my life, and you can keep the historical experience too! I should touch upon paranormal gear you can't believe how much of it is worthless, and the worst thing of all the manufacture tells you so, with four little words. "For Entertainment purposes only" I've seen groups walking around using those very pieces of equipment, and claiming they captured evidence from them. Then you have the radio hacks these are so obvious how they work. It's a word generator if you scan the AM frequencies what you hear is words from News broadcasts, Talk Radio, and Religion. You skipping along then ask a question. What you're listening for is anything that can answers the question, and with all those names, acts, and damnation all you need to do is could convince yourselves your talking to the spirit world. If you're serious about the evidence all you really need for equipment is; Video Cameras, Voice Recorders, trigger objects, EM Pump, MEL-8704, and no more than six trustworthy, honest people.  Uniforms are necessary in any profession along as there is a central theme, and don't wear rhinestones, or glitter on your clothing, they reflect as little points of light, and that's including infrared, and full spectrum. "There was a lot of activity energy ORB everywhere!" Any reflective surface will reflect light. I've seen a supposed anomaly of light flash of light glaring back at the camera off something on a jacket blinding the camera momentarily giving the illusion of someone vanishing. It's important to question all evidence if you want to be taken seriously. 

Investigation Reminders & Requirements

Investigation Reminders

1.      No whispering.
2.      Talk only when needed, and at a moderate levels. (No need to YELL)
3.      Since the floors are wood. We need to keep walking around at a minimum.
4.      Check your personal equipment before the investigation not during the investigation.
5.      Remember you’re being recorded watch what you say, no jokes, or bad language.
6.      Do not zoom into the shot move up to the shot; remember to frame equipment in your shot.
7.      While asking an object to move stay on the object, don’t start walking around the room.

Move extra equipment to cover activity there will be more than enough cameras to cover all four floors. If you move one let me know, and why. We need to take it upon ourselves to check all deployed equipment. Make sure everything is working properly.

(Cameras Recording, Lights On, Low Batteries)
Notify lead researcher if there is a problem with any of the equipment.

Evidence Review will be done at the end of each case. All members are expected to assist in evidence review. If you have data from an investigation, you must present the evidence to the group within two weeks of obtaining it. If you are given evidence to take home to review you are responsible for that evidence. If you need help in completing the review of  the evidence, you are to let us know right away so that someone may help you to complete the review.  Being late, or negligent in turning in evidence may result in forfeiting your opportunity to participate in the next scheduled investigation.  We made a commitment to the client that we would reveal the evidence we collected within three weeks after they trusted us, and invited us into their home.  

Two problems we need to address is stomach noise, and breathing.

1.Relaxed breathing procedure, and holding your breath for 15 sec.
Breathe in, breathe out ...relax
Breathe in ask question avoid Yes/No (History Posted) Breathe out.
Breathe in and hold for 15sec. (use internal clock 1 Mississippi 2 Mississippi)
Breathe out.
(Start over)
2.Eating before arrival, not hours before, stomach noise occurs during digestion air moving up from the intestine, take Tums during the night drink water between rotations.  

Why I Research The Unexplained

When I originally started this nine years ago, the more I looked the more skeptical I became. I started picking apart EVPs. I when through the whole history starting with Friedrich Jürgenson book and Konstantin Raudives research. I found many discrepancies in the early experiments what we now know to be RF contamination by using a germanium diode. Other experiments were later done with the help of a Pye Records sound engineers, and AT&T Laboratories.  

A.P. Hale, Physicist and Electronics Engineer stated:
In view of the tests carried out in a screened laboratory at my firm, I cannot explain what happened in normal physical terms.

The owner of a bar gave me the opportunity to be in the building after hours alone. I was more interested in the history than anything else; it was once a stagecoach stop, and bordello. I walked in the bar turned on my voice recorder before I marked my audio I got an EVP male voice: I’m going to kill you my second EVP was female: It’s haunted. This amazed me, I started questioning everything reviewing all the skeptical explanations to explain the voices.   

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Projects an Image of Itself

There is the question of why an apparition is described wearing clothing? The apparition is nothing more than mind a conscious form of energy, our physical self decays. The once living human being has been reduced to its last cognitive state. The entity projects an image of how it last perceived itself at the point of death. Throughout our day, all short-term memory is processed as long-term physical memory. As we sleep our brain cycles through memories reorganizing connections while strengthening proven connections between brain cells, and our synapses. We wake up feeling refreshed, and restored ready to begin the day. Our conscious self starts over. We make new choices; what to wear, what to do, with whom we will interact, and then consciously, and subconsciously, we organize our daily routine. Each day we start with a fresh perception of ourselves: how we look, what we wear, where we go. If you are nothing more than the sum of your experiences of the last day you lived, then you would project an image of how you last perceived yourself. This is why apparitions are depicted as having a human shape. We view ourselves as having a head, arms, and legs, and even visualize the clothes we last wore. As our presence disrupts the atmosphere surrounding our conscious self, we project the image as we last viewed ourselves.

ClimateGate: Global Warming Now Climate Change Fraud Explained

I keep hearing about that overwhelming data. Research is never so one sided where is the data that has a less than favorable explanation. When did an alternative explanation in science become unpopular?

How many of those scientists are getting a government paycheck to produce data claiming manmade Global Warming, now climate change, and how many would continue getting those checks if the data showed different results?

The lure of easy money, not to many organizations, again most with no business being in climate research, can walk away from FREE money. Then misleading the public with apocalyptic tales greenhouse gasses gone wrong, comparing Earth to Venus leaving out all those boring details. Case in point S.E.T.I. Search for extraterrestrial intelligence, my guess is that donations to look for E.T. must have dropped off, because now they're pushing the Global Warming agenda too.

Data compiled by Joanne Nova at the Science and Policy Institute indicates that the U.S. Government spent more than $32.5 billion on climate studies between 1989 and 2009. Why? 125 billion dollars annually from carbon credit commodities they're literally selling hot air. Billions of dollars spent on global warming/climate change buys a lot of confirmation bias. 

The Venus Comparison: Cosmos 

When arguing about the fate of our planet they quickly compare Earth to Venus as an example of a runaway greenhouse effect. It is like comparing an apple to an orange; the argument is that the apple was once an orange like Earth. They avoided facts like the lack of a strong planetary magnetic field. When the sun was younger ultraviolet rays and the solar winds were much stronger, freed gases such as hydrogen; the oceans if they had formed would have been swept into interplanetary space. Unlike Earth with its magnetosphere from our liquid iron core, which deflects the solar winds and protects us from solar and cosmic radiation. Then leaving out such details like Venus' rotation, which is longer than its year, and rotates backwards. The atmospheric pressure on Venus is about 90 times that of Earth. There was nothing to stop the solar winds and bombardment of radiation from destroying any chance for life. Therefore, no microbial life to absorb the CO2, no oceans, and no cliffs of Dover it just wasn't in the cards for Venus.

San Jose State University Global Warming on Venus in Perspective.

Senator James Inhofe stated in this video that all of the data from Al Gore's sci-fi movie has been overwhelmingly refuted. 

In 1974-1977 scientists announced we're headed for another Ice Age, showing nobody really knows anything it's all one big guess. In Search Of..

Man made Global Warming is BULLSHIT !!! See how and why you are sold the lie of global warming to enslave you into a system of feudal serfdom. TV show Penn & Teller Bullshit!

A group of 15 scientists and meteorologists have put forward a scathing rebuttal to the Obama administration’s recent climate report which said the U.S. is already being harmed by global warming:

Moreover, if we really are the cause of such environmental change, why is the entire inner solar system (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) all heating up? There's no industrialization on those other planets emitting CO2, so what's causing them to warm? Much of the theories being broadcast to the public on this matter are junk science, by people appear to be far more interested in getting attention for their political beliefs, versus displaying all the evidence as opposed to only what the news media wants us to hear. The only real concern I have is why there aren't more people with good scientific educations speaking up about the fraud being perpetrated here? Why are we being lied to? Or is it just that most of the public is just too apathetic and ignorant to even study anything on their own? 

by Dr. Barry Taff

The public because it doesn't directly affect their lives tend to ignore the rhetoric, everybody knows Al Gore is full of it, and Global Warming a fraud. I imagine it was embarrassing to hear about the ice was so thick in the arctic a team of Global Warming researcher had to be rescued. They're now pushing climate change so that if the ice caps don't melt and there is a drought some place on the planet it's climate change! They'll get their way because of the big money involved and the greed of Wall Street, and the Politicians.

Carbon taxes, and emission reduction for us. While China, and India build more, and more coal burning power plants. The government says we should lead by example, sacrificing our jobs to the rest of the world.

Climate Science has several problems.

First, labeling people who don’t accept, unquestioningly, the premise and predictions of Climate Science as deniers is just begging for a conflict. Just from a pure PR viewpoint, it is stupid and arrogant and not a way to persuade anyone.

Second it has a history of failed predictions from both the scientists and their proxies in the media. When you predict no snow, no rain, ice free this and that and it doesn't pan out, it makes any reasonable person wonder if you know what you are talking about.

Third, the hysterical proxies in the media. The Public Face of climate science is Al Gore. You may say noooo! But he is. And Al Gore, being a former politician, is automatically suspect in EVERYTHING he says. “We need to outlaw SUVs” and “I had too much tea” have the same score on the BS meter. To make it worse, he makes wild, outrageous doomsday claims that make even the real scientists cringe.

Complicating all this is Mike Mann, another face of Climate Science,who is behaving like a lunatic. His Hokey Stick is derided even by climate scientists as shoddy and misleading. People who are paying attention to this know this and are further jaded by the fact he hasn't been smacked down by the scientific community.

Fourth, the proposed “solutions” to the issue are largely in line with the extreme left…higher taxes, restrictions, rationing, prohibitions. We have seen these policies advanced again and again in the past under the guise of various political movements. Seeing them again under the guise of “science” doesn't really pass the smell test.

Something else that doesn't pass the smell test is the very idea that science is advanced enough to understand all the components, dynamics, etc. of climate, let alone simulate it. A feeling supported by the failure of the models to predict the cooling trend.

Fifth, no falsifiability. When EVERYTHING that happens is caused by Global Warming, then NOTHING can prove AGW wrong. I recall one scientist said if there was no warming in 5 years, then the models would be proven wrong. Then it was ten years, then 15, etc. Moving the goal posts is a sure sign that something isn't going as it was predicted.

I would really like to see some credible scientists lay out a set of events or measurements that would prove AGW wrong. This is, after all, is a key element of Science.

I’d say that at this point Climate Science is like Economics. Loss of data, formulas and theories, but very little success in explaining or predicting anything.