Sunday, February 9, 2014

What is Explainable? (Continued)

Rods 'skyfish': Is it an Angel or anxious Moths? Philip Callahan, an entomologist while working with the U.S. Department of Agriculture in the 1970s. Callahan discovered that the infrared light spectrum emitted by a candle flame happens to contain a few of the exact same frequencies of light given off by female moths' pheromones, or sex hormones. Callahan had previously discovered that the pheromones are luminescent they glow very faintly. Along with slow shutter speeds creates these trails that been called rods by "paranormal enthusiast". Insect beat their wings roughly 10 times per second anything longer than 1/2 second exposure when in motion starts to become transparent. The body of the insect is relatively solid while in flight. The wings create a motion blur as it moves past the lens of the camera resulting in an elongated object with a wavy structure down the length of the body from the insect beating its wings.

Shadows: Two-dimensional shadows come from three-dimensional objects such as yourself, and everything else. We live in a three dimensional world you should expect to see two-dimensional shadows everywhere. Whenever you think something is paranormal, you need to ask yourself; Is what I have experienced reproducible, or explainable? Capturing an apparitions is one of the rarest events in the paranormal world. To date there has only been two videos of an apparition that has stood up to intense scrutiny. It appeared walked across a room through a table then vanished. It looked three-dimensional and was a transparent milky white. It also looked to be wearing clothing. The other appeared to be a small child that walked between two room across a hallway. It too appeared to be three-dimensional more transparent white wearing nightgown. 

Scratches: Most scratches are self-inflicted often while we are sleeping. I have done it dozens of times nothing paranormal about it. The reason there is three marks is because you have three longer fingers on your hand the pinky or little finger rarely leaves a mark do to size and strength most of us are unaware how often we scratch ourselves. It is only after scratches become slightly infected they turn red, and you start feeling a burning sensation. This is from the body's natural defense of inflammation, and from fighting off infection, it is very normal.

A growing number of smart phone applications that claim to detect Ghosts. Smart phones have a variety of sensors all of which are useless for ghosts hunting. The newer iphone has a built in magnetometer used to detect EM fields, and then your cell phone would still be useless because most magnetometer are calibrated for AC, and since we do not know what ghosts are made of. We do know for sure that they are not alternating current because AC is manmade. If that does not stop you from bringing your cell phone, maybe contaminating the environment will. Cell phones produce microwaves, and radio waves, and are constantly accepting calls, voice mail notifications, and text messages unless you turn them off! These apps are cheap and now the disclaimer; the app is purely aimed for those looking to trick others or have a little fun, and should be used for entertainment purposes only. Most all the applications for your smart phone uses a software algorithm like Ghost Radar to make all the bells, and whistles go off, and does nothing at all to detect ghosts. I have no problem with people playing with toys. It is when they use these toys on real investigations in people's homes, and claim it as evidence without knowing the difference.

Dowsing Rod’s: Two metal rods bent on the ends at a 45-degree angle held loosely and allowed to swing from side to side …believing that once they cross a spirit is present.
(Ideomotor Effect)

Pendulum: Pendulum Dowsing is once again unconscious involuntary movement causing the Pendulum on the chain to swing or rotate freely over a chart, or an Ouija Board.
(Ideomotor Effect)

Ideomotor Effect is a psychological phenomenon wherein a subject makes motions unconsciously. William B. Carpenter coined the term “ideomotor action” in 1852 in his explanation for the movements of rods and pendulums by dowsers, and some table turning or lifting by spirit mediums (the ones that were not accomplished by cheating). Carpenter argued that muscular movement could be initiated by the mind independently of volition or emotions. We may not be aware of it, but suggestions made to the mind by others or by observations. Those suggestions can influence the mind and affect motor behavior.

Ouija Board: Also known as a spirit board or talking board, is a flat board marked with the letters of the alphabet, the numbers 0-9, the words 'yes' 'no' 'hello' and 'goodbye', and other symbols and words are sometimes also added to help personalize the board. It is a registered trademark of Hasbro Inc. 
(Ideomotor Effect)

Many number of devices are based entirely on subjective reality. This is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus perceived as meaningful ‘audio pareidolia'. One of these devices a broken radio called a "Ghost Box – Spirit Box – Frank’s Box – Radio Shack Hack!" How it works is by skipping along through radio broadcasts picking up random clearer stations along with that a word or two that believed as significant to their question, and easily explained as a form of self-delusion. Most of these pieces of equipment that sell for hundreds of dollars suggest that they detect nothing at all, and now the disclaimer written into the documentation or on the device itself, for entertainment purposes only! 

Ovilus or Puck is an electronic speech-synthesis device which utters words that are linked to a list of words associated with electromagnetic frequencies. It is a speech engine an over priced toy that fools participants in believing they are communicating with the spirit world. We are enveloped with electromagnetic fields from power lines, radio waves, devises of all types to the earths own electromagnetic field. Some of the newest Ovilus allow the owner to modify the list to fine-tune the device to better fool the unaware, again written clearly on the device for entertainment purposes only! 

Laser Grid: The pen was never designed to be on all the time. A collar forces the button down keeping the laser on which results in the laser overheating. Along with rapid power drainage creating fluctuations in the beam (ripples) that are mistaken as anomalous activity.

EMF Pumps and EM Vortex Pumps: These devices created to produce rotating electromagnetic field(s) to feed your ghost making the activity that is associated with Ghosts stronger. I have built an EM Pump, but got a different effect. On one investigation, I mounted the EM Pump on the cameras tripod. You can hear something walk up to it stayed there for a while started talking completely unseen as if it was curious. Then went downstairs and scared the researcher as it walked up to her breathing.

Ionizers: Another feed your ghost idea it creates a static charge in the air to mimic an electrical storm. The idea is that paranormal activity increases during storms. The only true substantiated use of these devices is to reduce the amount of dust in the room 'less Orbs' but serves no other purpose.

To be continued ...

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